mdi-github-circle Created by nohumanman


Commands [[]] Items Unlock Item Submit Eval Player Statistics [[key]] '[[value]]' Output Log - fetch
Player-Specific Server Log
> test
> doesn't do anything
> yet.
> doesn't do anything
> yet.
> doesn't do anything
> yet.
> doesn't do anything
> yet.
> doesn't do anything
> yet.
> doesn't do anything
> yet.
> doesn't do anything
> yet.
login You are logged in and authorised.login You are logged in and not authorised.login Dashboard Times Trails

Descenders Modkit


[[players.length]] Users online

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Descenders Modkit

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pfp Steam Name Date & Time Time Verified Deleted World Name Trail Name Starting Speed Version Replay
[[time.steam_name]] [[timestamp_to_date_time(time.timestamp)]] [[secs_to_str(time.total_time)]] [[time.verified]] [[time.ignore]] [[time.world_name]] [[time.trail_name]] [[time.starting_speed]] [[time.version]] replay

Descenders Modkit


[[trail.trail_name]] on [[trail.world_name]]
[[]]. [[]] [[secs_to_str(player.time)]] +[[GetTimeDiff(player.time, trail, index)]]